Old vs New Mobile Numbers for Jamb 2019 Registrations - we are going to be telling you everything you need to know about registering for JAMB and Purchasing ePINs with New or Previously used Mobile Numbers.
The Pros and cons for using Old or New Number for jamb 2019 registration
- When registering for jamb/utme 2019, use the same old number you use the first which will make all registration easy.
- Make sure you have an email when registering for jamb 2019.
- The previous number you use for profile codes can also be used but only by same candidate.
- Incase you forgot your E-pin for the previous jamb your register, your just send this code to RESEND to 55019 to retrieve your jamb details.
- The old codes can be use to procure the new E-pins.
- UTMEPIN and DEPIN can be use to retrieve Jamb E-pins.
- Jamb candidates can register at any cbt centers with old profile codes, pins, mobile number and email addresses.
The details below is for New Mobile numbers
- New Candidate will follow the usual way of registration.
- candidates will be able to register by sending his first name, surname and middle name to jamb registration code "55019".
- In case of correction of any information, send CORRECT to 55019.
- They can buy E-pins from any accredited centers using the codes.
- candidates will be able to use UTMEPIN and DEPIN to retrieve old pin if misplaced.
Check accredited centers to purchase E-PINS