Going forward on the use of outlook for scheduling meetings in the work place, we have been able to gather some tips you might need these 2019 tips that will boost your Microsoft skills.
Please follow the steps stated below carefully.
Step 1: Go to outlook, on the tool bar, locate option
for new items, from the dropdown menu, click on meeting.
Step 2: Fill in the email address(es) of the person(s)
who is/are to receive the mail, and state the subject of the mail.
Step 3: Select location e.g. Conference Room 1
Step 4: Select date,
start time and end time.
Step 5: Write the meeting invitation in the body of
the mail and include any attachment.
Step 6: From the toolbar select reminder and state
minutes interval for reminder, then send.
Step 7: As the receiver, you have the option of
accepting or cancelling the invitation. If you are accepting, you will get a
remnder as scheduled by the sender.
Step 8: In case the
meeting you are inviting people to is meant to be a recurring one on a
particular day of the week/month (eg every 1st Monday or every
Friday fortnightly), the invite can be sent only once with a recurring reminder
on future expected dates of the meeting.
To add this, click on recurrence. The below screen
shot is for a meeting that is expected to recur fortnightly (2 weeks) every
Friday by 9am to 12pm and the meetings are to end by 26th April
(after 10 occurrences).
If you have any question regarding the above steps,
kindly contact HR.