I was checking online for a way to improve my sleep at night, then I came across these post about plants you can put in your room which will help improve the way you sleep. Read below;
In each house, a bedroom is a special place, such a small world, which everyone wants to make as nice and cozy as possible. For this room we choose warm colors in the interior, decorate it with indoor flowers. However, the air in the bedroom today is still noticeably different from what it was before. After all, before we were surrounded only by furniture made of wood, clay as wall decoration, and what do we see now?
Surrounding ourselves with all the achievements of the modern world, we significantly spoil the air and make it even harmful to our health. Our constant companions are negative energy in the house and low humidity. To solve these problems will help our green friends, namely, indoor plants, which will make the energy positive and clean the air. As a result, it will be easier for us to breathe, our sleep will be strengthened, and some diseases will disappear.
Some people think that there is no room for plants in the bedroom, but this is only partly true. There are those who can not only be in the bedroom, but should even be there. A couple of slow-growing plants with rounded leaves will come in handy. They will clear the air, which is absolutely necessary in modern life. Just do not abuse it, because otherwise the effect will be exactly the opposite. Next, we will tell you what plants are ideal for the most important room in the house.
10 Plants For Your Bedroom
Peace Lily
This flower, like no other, will clean the room from dirt that penetrates through the open window. It is able to increase the humidity in the room, which will greatly facilitate breathing during sleep. Spathiphyllum, or the peace lily, as it is also called, release moisture, thereby increasing the overall humidity in the room. In the bedroom, it is recommended to keep a couple of such beauties. With them, positive energy, good sleep, and no allergies are guaranteed.
Aloe vera
This plant actively releases oxygen, absorbs carbon dioxide and reduces the content of toxic substances in the air. You might wonder where they come from in your bedroom. However, we will upset you, because any furniture from chipboard emits harmful formaldehyde. These plants are especially useful in the bedroom of an elderly person.
Spider plant
In a series of experiments, scientists managed to find out that it is this plant that cleans the air most effectively. It is able to neutralize harmful substances at a phenomenal rate and clean the air of microorganisms for a day and moisten it. So, if you want to sleep strong and healthy sleep, then you should put this plant in your bedroom. The undoubted advantages of chlorophytum include its simplicity and accessibility.
An excellent option for the bedroom will be a geranium, a plant that ozonizes air, kill germs. It is very useful for insomnia and hormonal disorders in women. Geranium can reduce headaches, strengthen the immune system and normalize blood pressure. The only thing that it can cause allergies, so that people prone to this ailment, you need to be careful.
This plant must be in the bedroom of the elderly and those who suffer from various diseases. It has the ability to neutralize harmful substances, as well as relieve depression.
Snake plant
It is just perfect for the bedroom: it increases the energy of the person, stabilizes pressure, strengthens the immune system, helps with breathing problems, headaches, and eye irritation.
If you are prone to insomnia, stress and anxiety, then you need to put in the bedroom of this green doctor. As a result, and sleep will improve, and heart rate will return to normal.
This plant is a source of oxygen and phytoncides. Given the modern environment and excessive air pollution, it should be in the bedroom. Ficus picks up toxic emissions from finishing materials and household chemicals, promotes good sleep and good mood. It is also recommended to put it in the bedroom to young parents.
This domestic fern is rich in essential oils, flavonoids and other useful substances that have a calming effect on the nervous system. Nephrolepis helps to cope with the effects of stress, and as a result, relieves sleep.
Bamboo Palm (Chrysalidocarpus Lutescens)
This plant cleans the air and removes toxins and carbon dioxide. Because it moistens the air, this plant is especially desirable in the winter months when the throat and nose are dried out of hot air and heating, which often makes it difficult for us to fall asleep.
- Houseplants for the bedroom should be small, with narrow leaves, not very fragrant.
- It is necessary to abandon those that have sharp leaves or needles, because such plants absorb positive energy and are often the cause of quarrels and scandals.
- If you decide to put flowers in the bedroom, then they should be 1-3 pieces, no more. It is desirable that they are located at a distance of a meter from your bed. A suitable place for small pots is a windowsill and a bookshelf. Also allowed are large plants in the corner.
- A large number of indoor plants not only requires a lot of care, but also annoying to humans.
- In order for indoor flowers to bring you joy and benefit, to purify the air and absorb chemical excretions and microorganisms, it is necessary to wipe them regularly.
Source: Oldnaturalcures.com